Saturday, May 15, 2010

Crane Machine

I thought this was a little weird. I found these images on the side of a crane machine at the mall the other day. A cute little armless robot and green elephant hanging out with a busty tattooed lady all hanging out together.

Here she is with a bunch of other cute things piled into a taxicab. No one is wearing a seatbelt and they are obviously way too many people packed into the car. And where did the green elephant go?


Daniel Sennis said...

First, what's a crane machine? Second, good call on the recklessness (and seediness) being promoted on the machine. My theory..someone accidentally switched the intended cartoons with the artwork contained in a 14 year old boy's math notebook.

Daniel B. said...

Not enough room in the yellow car. The green elephant had to take the red car.

I've got the proof right here.

Kelly said...

Were you riding your bike on Sunday? I think I passed you - you were going down the hill as I was going up.

Ben said...
