Cute right? Now imagine that this cute little fluffy kitty is a big smelly 25 pound porcupine. And instead of it's claws digging into a tree branch holding on for dear life, it's claws are digging into the back of your throat causing all kinds of havoc. Well, that's exactly how I feel right now. My throat is on freaking fire. It hurts when I swallow, when I cough, when I talk and when I fart.
On a positive note, I'm sucking on a Sucrets and it's making everything I eat taste like shit. That last part is sarcasm folks. Yep, sarcasm is gonna get me through this.
This is what came up when I put my iPod on shuffle.
Portastatic - Through With People Gwen Stefani - Serious Vampire Weekend - Campus Saves The Day - Cars and Calories Neko Case - Lion's Jaws They Might Be Giants - Hot Cha Melpo Mene - Hello Benjamin The Faces - You're So Rude MIA - Hombre Olivia Newton John - Banks of the Ohio